Octenidine Wound Gel 20Ml

Octenidine Wound Gel 20Ml

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Octenidine-based wound gel for covering, moistening and cleansing encrusted, contaminated and chronic wounds as well as burn wounds

  • Octenidine-based gel that inactivates pathogens/microorganisms
  • Effectively moisturizes and cleans wounds
  • Unique autolytic debridement mode of action - enables release of fibrous and crusted wound lining, necrotic tissue and biofilm, even in severe cases
  • Helps loosen wound coverings
  • Can be used on any wound type, including second and third degree burns
  • Creates an ideal moist wound healing environment that supports the natural healing process
  • Maintains a moist wound dressing environment
  • Painless, colorless and odor absorbing with excellent tolerability
  • Alcohol free, containing Octenidine as a preservative, capable of inactivating pathogens in the gel to build a protective barrier against penetrating germs
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